Kendrick School

Kendrick School is a selective girls’ grammar school in Reading with about 690 girls aged 11-18. This school specialises in Science, Mathematics and Languages with an 'Outstanding' award from Ofsted. 

        Kendrick School is oversubscribed for Year 7 places; hence, based on its published admission policy on (2021), offers will be made from the ranked list in the following order and within each category:

         1. The applicant is a looked after child or previously looked after child 

        2. The permanent home address of the applicant is within Priority Areas 1 and 2 of the designated area and the applicant is in receipt of Pupil Premium or Service Premium.

             Offers will then be made from the ranked list, according to the ranked order until up to 75% (96) of places have been offered:

        3. The permanent home address of the applicant is within Priority Areas 1 and 2 of the designated area of the school and this has been the permanent home address of the parent(s)/carer(s) and the applicant at 31st August 2021 and beyond. [This applies to the majority of students.]

             The remaining 25% (32) places will be offered in the following order, according to the ranked order until all places in total have been offered: 

         4. The permanent home address of the applicant is within Priority Area 1 of the designated area and this home address has been the permanent home address of the parent(s)/carer(s) and the applicant at 31st August 2021 and beyond. 

        5. The permanent home address of the applicant is within the Priority Area 2 of the designated area and this home address has been the address of the parent(s)/carer(s) and the applicant at 31st August 2021 and beyond. 

        6. Applicants whose permanent home address is NOT in the designated area of the school.


Disclaimer: There are always changes made to each school’s admission policy, so it is advisable that you do check the school’s website for more details. The material on this page should not be used as an ultimate and deciding guide; they are to familiarise you with the procedures and general requirements.


Please visit the website for more details.

 Admissions Info:, 0118 9015859

Number of places available for Year 7: 95-100

Exam Board Type: CEM (Cambridge Assessment)

Address: Kendrick Grammar School, London Road, Reading RG1 5BN


How to Apply

 Parents must first complete their Local Authority’s (LA) Common Application Form (CAF) then you need to complete a separate application directly with the school. The registration form can be completed online when applications are open. Please note that late applications are not accepted, although the school can use discretion in exceptional circumstances, provided supportive evidence is produced.


Exam Format

The Kendrick School uses CEM format which consists of two individual papers, each lasting 50 minutes. The papers are made up of mixed questions (mainly multiple-choice) covering, Verbal ReasoningNon-Verbal Reasoning and Numerical Reasoning.  

Results will be sent to parents in mid-October, before CAF deadline.


Preparing for the Kendrick Exam

As Kendrick exam places a large emphasis on reasoning, working on VR and NVR is key to such preparation.



A day in Kendrick

 The following video, gives you and insight into a ‘day in the life’ of a Kendrick girl.